Friday 3 September 2010

My new take on cleaning my body, inside and out!

So, I thought I would keep a journal of my experience of eliminating candida out of my body as well as other horrific toxins that are stored in my beautiful temple (body). Now I have never kept a journal before, but hey, they do say it helps, so lets give it a go.

My candida symptoms appeared after my second child was born. It was a vaginal birth, my first child was born via emergency cesarean (dammit- although now I am thinking should've had the second one cut out too, maybe then I would have been saved from having to go through all this candida stuff. But no really, I think the candida symptoms would have appeared sooner or later anyway.)

So what kind of symptoms do I have???? The list is long and there are probably symptoms that I don't even realise are symptoms. So lets start with the worst; Thrush. Constant itching, redness, discharge swelling and soreness...well you get the picture. If it wasn't for this, I would most probably not mind the other symptoms, and never bother to cleanse and detox. So really I should be GRATEFUL to my candida for showing such extreme symptoms, that I have no choice but to do what is best for me. So THANK YOU CANDIDA, FOR MAKING ME PAY MORE ATTENTION TO MY SELF. THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED TO DETOX MY BODY FROM ALL THE JUNK I HAVE POURED INTO IT IN MY 32 YEARS. THANK YOU CANDIDA, IF IT WASNT FOR YOU, I MIGHT NOT HAVE EMBARKED ON A HOLISTIC HEALING AND SPIRITUALITY QUEST. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

So back to the symptoms; because of the thrush; I can not have Sex with my husband!!!Been without sex for the past 2 months(Poor guy, but Hey I used to enjoy it as well!!!), Endometriosis, Bad Memory, seriously BAD, tiredness, sensitivity to perfumes and other strong smells, joint pain occasionally.... I'll only mention a few as I feel it's too depressive to dwell on such things. I would much rather be thinking HAPPY thoughts.

So after my 2nd child popped out, I started wondering is my vagina never going to heal, as it was itching and itching months afterwards. Can't remember if I went to a Doc to have a confirmation of what it was, but I knew what it was. Yes I did go to Doc at some point, and tried the Big Pharma Drugs, to no avail, except for probably damaging my insides even more! So I realised I am going to have to study more about this and came to realise that food is probably the only way to go.

As the Hippocrates said: " Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food"- such clever guys!!!

So what do I think led to this horrid situation? - years and years of abuse! Abuse from my part, in forms of Sugary foods (OMG I was such a sugar junkie, should have heard the warning bells ringing), I have given up sugar about a year ago. I have  eaten fruit though, and perhaps on my way to becoming a fruit junkie, but hey I can live with that, once I get rid of the excess candida.
Antibiotics, and man did I have some antibiotics ( did you know that the word antibiotic means ANTI- LIFE?! in ancient greek) If they were called that, probably a few clients would question them. The antibiotics that I had, were prescribed for the pelvic inflammation Doc's thought I had for about 2-3 years, until they realised it's endometriosis. And the treatment for endometriosis is/ was to take birth control pill continuously!!!Yes, with no break, so that I wouldn't get the period- which would then cause pain and possibly inflammation.Now I know such hormones also deplete the good bacteria from your intestines and promotes bad bacteria :( ...all these the other kinds of drugs, that I enjoyed/loved taking, being a young party girl living in London..Yes the re-creational kind!!!They couldn't have been that good for me either, although they were a lot of fun! Plus junk food. I was and little bit; still am a junk foodist, although my diet is probably much better than most peoples...

So ever since the symptoms started becoming un-avoidable, I have tried to do all sorts of things to get rid of it.  But the problem I think has been, that I have never actually believed that I can do it. Where as now, I have finally been able to make a shift in my perception to that I can do it, It is easy. It will be the best thing that ever happened to me. I will be able to help others, when I help my self.

As Gandhi said; Be the change you want to see in the world.
He also said: Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are to what you could become.

Isn't that lovely and sooooo uplifting!

Actually this morning while colon cleansing (part of my routine now, more about that later.) I noticed my self, coming up with excuses, as to why I should not be doing this. I thought Oh my goodness, maybe there is a part of me that likes being sick?! I had always thought that I wanted to get rid of it with all my heart, but now something is showing up that is saying the contrary. I was so Happy to have busted that emotion in action! And hopefully got rid of it too, with all the other toxins I flushed out too..hahahhaaa...

I will tell more about my cleansing routine in my next blog... until then...Sayonara

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