Sunday 5 September 2010

6th Day

Woke up a bit later than usual, as we had a late night at the funeral(?!) It was good, all was good. Anyway, so I enjoyed my little sleep in, 'til 8. Then it was back to the routine... Got the enema water ready, added soda; warmed it all up to a nice body temperature. So I was ready to go. Oh yes, before locking myself into the bathroom I rememberedto have the  baking soda water drink, which fills my tummy up a bit.As I'm usually starving in the mornings. Although thinking about it, I haven't been so starving as usually in the mornings, since being on this diet. And you got to remember the alkalising benefits of the water.

Unfortunately I didn't have a full 4 litres of water to do the cleanse with, so all went a bit quicker than usual. Still took me an hour or so. And I felt like it was a good and thorough cleanse. I am very happy with my new routine. How well I have adapted. And how well I feel.

I had to go and buy some more organic extra virgin Coconut Oil, as I would like to be consuming it in fairly large amounts, to help with killing off excess candida. As well, I do love the taste of it.
However, my organic shop was closed!!! So I went to the vegetable shop, and what do you know, they had some. But I didn't really like the look of it. I don't know, there was something about it. Maybe it was my inner voice, my inner guidance. But as it was Organic, I thought: how different can it be. So I bought it. As soon as I got home, I opened the jar, put it up to my nose and had a deep long smell of it. Because I love the smell of coconut.  But NO, there was no pleasant smell? Ok, gotta do the taste test. So I scooped a large spoon full of it into my mouth, but NO there was no lovely coconut flavour. It tastes more like olive oil and coconut oil. Or maybe like rancid coconut oil.....NO NO NO, I don't want to be eating that. I wanted lovely, luscious, creamy fragrant stuff.
Oh well, it should serve as another lesson; to always listen to my inner guidance! Plus to always buy from reputable sellers. Although I love this Veg shop, they have nice Deli products and all, but maybe the health food products are a class of  their own.

So for breakfast today I had Tomato and Celery SMOOTHIE,  with some Chlorella (alkalising again- should actually test my pH, haven't done it in ages). Had it on my way to the shop. It was filling, and I actually enjoy the flavour of tomato. Sometimes I ad a bit of garlic, chilli and red onion, that's really yummy. This time I just hurriedly threw in some sea salt and Black pepper.

Lunch, I had some stir fried vegetables, with Tamari, coconut oil, garlic, cumin etc.  I made this yesterday, so it was cold- didn't enjoy it so much. It was much nicer yesterday.

Then it was off to the CIRCUS! It's been years since I went. And what fun it was. But all that clapping, oh my goodness. I am glad I had the camera, as an excuse( just to rest my arms).

Dinner again was stir fry- chinese cabbage, red & yellow peppers, onion, garlic, ginger and drizzled some home made thai style chilli oil on top. Yum, it was so nice.

And now, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing todays event's down. And since I am all by my self in the house, I am going to enjoy  a bit of meditating.  So ta'raah, until tomorrow.

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